Friday, February 16, 2007

Entry for May 02, 2006

Entry for May 02, 2006
Seems like Caitlin is starting to respond to us pretty good, I know she isn't fully into responsive smiling quite yet but yesterday I was sticking my tongue at her and she smiled for me 3 times!!! She also mimicked me a little bit, it was funny. Tomorrow is our first early intervention meeting , they are coming to the house and we will see what kinds of things we should be working on and also get Caitlin's weight and just a quick look over. I think she is about 7 lbs now , we have a scale here , not digital so sometimes its a little bit harder to get exact weight but I get pretty close. Anyway will report how everything went tomorrow.
Caitlin is almost a month old corrected age!!!She is 4 1/2 mos old, Can't believe it!!!!!

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