Friday, February 16, 2007

Entry for June 16, 2006

Entry for June 16, 2006
Caitlin is doing super good! She is about 9 lbs now according to my scale!!! Chunky girl!!! It is so hard to get her cloths right now because all though she is getting some meat on her bones she is still some what short lol. We had her eye appt yesterday and her eyes look great. We don't have to go back for about 2 mos now and we will be seeing a different Dr . I hate her eye appts because they have to pry her eye open and lift something up bluckkkkkkkkkkk and I think she even feels it more now that she is older. My poor baby. She has been in such a good mood the last couple days. She is getting to be such an easy baby these days as well. She has always been pretty good but she really doesn't fuss tons. She smiles all day long and is offically sleeping through the night I think. Last night she slept from 7 pm- 7:15 this morning, now if only I could get to bed early enough to get some good sleep myself. The early intervention specialist finally came over and showed us a few things to do with Caitlin to help her learn how to roll over and try to reach out more. We will have a couple classes this month and as she gets older they will increase her time. Thats about it. Will try and get some more pictures taken and post them. I really can't believe how big she is getting.
She is a miracle from God!!!!!!!!

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