Friday, May 12, 2006

Entry for December 10, 2005

Entry for December 10, 2005
Today has been a pretty good day, started out kind of slow and was reall tired today even took a small little nap around 9 am or so just could not get into the day today. Was feeling a little depressed today, just got a very lonely and sad overwhelming feeling , so I called my best friend Erika and she put me ina better mood. Haven't actually talked to her for a few days which is not that normal for us, we will do that sometimes but it really does not happen much , we used to be on the phone constantly could even be like 10 times a day, pretty crazy but always had soemthignt to say or hear some kind of news lol. Anyway don't think I could actually be without her, she is def my best friend and always there when i need her, She is going to have another baby, I am so excited I can not wait to fnd out what she is having , I think girl for some reason but that could also be my wishful thinking.Well Dr came in today and gave me good news which was exciting!!!! Took me off Antibiotics today which is a little scary because I do not want to get an infection and if I do they will make me deliver but we will just pray to stay infection free, its out of my hands, I can just try to prevent it which I have been doing by eating lots of yogurt and drinking lots of cranberry juice and using the antbacterial wipes.Anyway for the good news is that I get my first steroid shot on Monday then Tuesday to try and stregthen Caitlin's lungs so if she comes super early she has a better chance at surrvival. Also If I do start to have contractions at this point on they will give me medicine to try and stop labor which puts me a little more relaxed.Well thats about it. Just waiting for Dillon and Jesus to come visit in a couple more hours , can't wait because I have been so lonely and bored today, weekends seem to go by a lot longer then during the week becuase there is nothing on t.v just seems so long. Till tomorrow

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