Friday, January 26, 2007

Entry for March 07,2006

Entry for March 07, 2006
Caitlin went down 10 grams last night but it is ok , she really has done well with her weight gain. Erika came today and held her for the first time. Caitlin kept smiling she was so cute. Caitlin also got another eye exam today and it was good, no changes which is good so her ROP is not getting worse, I hope it just gets better so she will be able to see everything and anything lol. I am going to be getting super busy starting to really get things ready for Caitlin to come home, it will be just a few more weeks or maybe sooner till she gets to come home. We just got Dillon a new dresser so Caitlin can have his old one. I am so excited to get her things in the dresser and get things ready for her. Can you believe it has been 3 months already she has been her!!!!! It is so weird what our lives have become but strangly such a routine going back and forth to the hospital. In the begining when ever the machines would beep we would freak out and wonder why no one was getting to them right away, now it is just like ahhh , she's fine and if it goes off we will even silence it ourselves sometimes. Funny thing is , is that everything is such a blurr to us. I am so happy I started this blog to remember everything because if it wern't for that , I would not rememeber the half of everything. Some have asked how big she has to be in order to come home, well all she has to be is atleast 1800 grams which is 4 lbs and able to take all her feeds by mouth. Can you believe when we started this journey she was only 554 grams
Just wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone who has kept up on our story and long journey and all those who have sent cloths for her and gifts and fun things for Dillon. You really have all touched our hearts and we will forever be thankful to each and everyone of you!!!!
Well thats about it for now will call later to see what her weight is but will have to post it tomorrow.

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